
Contact Information

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    MD C.P.A Office (hereinafter referred to as "this office") establish a privacy policy regarding the personal information and specific personal information (referring to individual numbers and personal information that includes individual numbers - hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) , and strive to protect personal information by thoroughly disseminating it within our office.

    The information you ask will be used only within the scope of the purpose clearly stated to the customer in advance.

    When providing personal information, if it becomes necessary to use the customer's personal information beyond the scope of the specified purpose, we will notify the customer of the purpose in advance and use it only after obtaining consent.

    If you do not agree to the new purpose, you can refuse it at your own discretion.

    Our office will take necessary measures within a reasonable range to protect the privacy of customers who visit this website.

    Our office may revise our privacy policy.
    In that case, all revisions will be notified on this website.

    Definition of personal information and specific personal information

    Personal information is information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and other descriptions contained in the information. This includes information that can be collated with other information to identify a specific individual.

    In addition, specific personal information is defined by the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (My Number Act), and is personal information that includes an individual number (My Number).

    Purpose of use and type of personal information

    (1) Personal information about customers
    purpose of use
    • To request a quote, respond to questions, and send materials etc.

    • Provision of information related to our business.

    (2) Personal information on business partners
    purpose of use
    • To request a quote, respond to questions, and send materials etc.

    • Notifications and reports to government offices, organisations, etc.

    • Preparation and submission of withholding slips, and other clerical work related to withholding tax.

    • Clerics related to the preparation and submission of payment records for remuneration, fees, contract money and prize money.

    • Affairs related to the above items.

    (3) Personal information regarding recruitment
    purpose of use
    • Reply about employment status and send materials.

    • Use necessary for other recruitment activities.

    Acquisition of personal information

    When acquiring personal information, our office will strive to obtain the consent of the person by clearly indicating the necessary information such as the items of personal information to be handled, the purpose of use, and the contact point for inquiries in advance.

    Security control measures

    Our office strives to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date within the scope of the purpose of use, and takes appropriate security control measures to prevent unauthorised access, leakage, falsification, loss, etc. We will make corrections accordingly.

    Provision of personal information to third parties

    Our firm will not disclose or provide the personal information of our customers, etc., to any third party other than our shared partners or subcontractors without the consent of the customers, etc. themselves. However, this does not apply if there is a justifiable reason, such as when disclosure is required by law.

    *Specific personal information, etc. will not be provided to third parties, regardless of the consent of the customer, etc., except in cases where it is treated as an exception under Article 19 of the Outsourcing Contractor and Number Usage Act and other laws and regulations.

    About cookies

    Our office may collect information by using cookies and similar technologies for the purpose of measuring and analysing the customer's website on the website, or providing more customised services and advertisements to individual customers.

    What are cookies and similar technologies?

    Cookies are a mechanism that saves the usage history and input contents sent and received between the browser and the server as files on your computer when you use a web page. The next time you access the same page, the page operator can change the display for each customer using cookie information. If you allow the sending and receiving of cookies in your browser settings, the website can obtain cookies from the user's browser. In addition, it is possible to disable the function of cookies and similar technologies by setting the user's browser. The setting method differs depending on the browser. Please check the "Help" menu of your browser for information on how to set cookies.

    Cookies are generally classified into two types: 1st Party Cookies and 3rd Party Cookies. First party cookies are set by our firm. In most cases, it is to use the functionality provided on our website. 3rd Party Cookies are set by a third party affiliated with our firm.

    Session and Persistent cookies

    Cookies are divided into session cookies and persistent cookies according to their expiration date. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are stored on your device only while you are browsing our website. Persistent cookies are stored for a certain period of time after you visit our website until they expire or are deleted from your browser.

    Please note that if you select the setting to reject all cookies, you may be restricted in using various services on the Internet, such as being unable to receive services that require authentication.

    Purpose of use of cookies and similar technologies

    Our office uses information collected using cookies and similar technologies to analyse the usage status of the customer's website (access status, traffic, etc.), improve website content, operability, etc. We may use it for improvement. The following tools are mainly used for this analysis. Information provided to the tool provider may be used for advertisement distribution, etc. operated by the tool provider to customers.

    Google Analytics

    This website uses Google's access analysis tool Google Analytics. This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect data. This data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable. For information on the collection and processing of data through the use of Google Analytics, please refer to "How Google uses data when users use Google partner websites and apps". Google Analytics can be disabled by applying the "Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on" provided by Google. In addition, the user can stop the cookie function by setting the browser, etc., so please refer to the item "How to delete cookies".

    Google's use of information collected from sites and apps that use our services

    Google Analytics Terms of Service

    Google's privacy policy

    Download the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on

    How to delete cookies

    Cookies stored on the user's device are stored on the device until the user deletes them or until the expiration date set by the browser. In general browsers, cookies are enabled by default, but users can delete cookies on the browser.

    For information on how to delete cookies in each browser, please refer to the page provided by each browser.

    Google Chrome

    Microsoft Internet Explorer

    Microsoft Edge

    Mozilla Firefox

    Apple Safari

    About log files

    We use this web server log file to see the business status of this website.

    We do not identify your personal information from your IP address, browser type, domain name, or number of accesses in log files.

    Regarding the use of JavaScript

    This website uses JavaScript for various displays and browser controls.

    It is one of the essential technologies along with cookies on the Internet.

    In order to take full advantage of the functions of this website, we recommend that you set your browser to accept JavaScript.

    Please contact each software manufacturer for the setting method of the browser.

    Warranty and Limitation of Liability

    The use of this office shall be done at the customer's responsibility.

    We are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of various information obtained from this website and other websites linked to this website.

    Compliance with and changes to relevant laws and regulations and other norms
    In handling personal information, our office complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act), the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (My Number Act), and other relevant laws. We will comply with laws and regulations, related guidelines and this privacy policy.

    Our office may revise the privacy statement on the website in order to better protect the personal information of our customers, or in accordance with changes in Japanese laws and regulations and other norms.

    Response to consultation

    We will respond appropriately to inquiries regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use (such as provision of information related to our business), erasure, and other handling of personal information based on the provisions of laws and regulations.


    Unauthorised reproduction or duplication of the contents of this website is prohibited.

    Updated on 1st March 2023

    Contact information

    Name of office : MD C.P.A Office
    Address: 3-23-17-809 Takanawa Minato-ward Tokyo, Japan, #108-0074
    Partner: Dai Mori, CPA

    accept the privacy policy

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